Thank you, Father, for my life.
Thank you for my precious wife.
Thank you, Father, for my girl.
Thank you for this deep-sea pearl.
Thank you, Father, for my sons,
Fathers, wives, the little ones.
Thank you for the church I serve,
Staff and friends I don’t deserve.
Thank you, Father, for my birth,
Who can measure parents’ worth?
Thank you, Father, for the schools,
Mental tools, and passion fuels.
Thank you, Father, for my eyes,
Wonders of the earth and skies.
Thank you, Father, for my ears,
Priceless music through the years.
Thank you, Father, for my friends,
Comrades, care, and common ends.
Thank you, Father, for the books,
Deeper currents, distant looks.
Thank you, Father, for my home,
Sweetest pocket of shalom.
Thank you for the maple tree,
The swing, the yellow canopy.
Thank you for the neighborhood,
The interwoven bad and good.
Thank you, Father, for the tears,
Dying darkness yet appears.
Thank you, Father, for your word
Silver, honey, eaten, heard.
Thank you, Father, for your Son,
Stripes, the bruise, the mission done.
Thank you for the Spirit too,
Wak’ning, filling, giving—You.
Father, Father, can it be?
Thank you for adopting me.