First Entry!

January 29, 2006

I was hoping my first entry would be something unique and profound, but alas, my precious children are running around, I have to prepare for choir practice soon and finish at least one load of laundry  (to completion- you know, actually taking it out of the dryer and putting it away! ) and I really need to make a list of the many things I need to do this week.  I'm too excited, however, to wait to write my first blog, so here it is-not too exciting but at least I've started and that in itself will make it easier to continue. 
To all my dear friends and family out there who may stumble upon this, I hope that you feel a closer connection to us, since to many of you I cannot talk to daily or even weekly.  If I don't know you, please feel free to comment or just say hi, we( my family and I ) love to make new friends!
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