
November 6, 2006

I'll have to catch up with all of the major events in my life over the past two weeks in 3 or 4 posts -so hang in there!  I have lots of stories and pics to share…
OK(now this isn't a very major event in our lives but quite unique and blogworthy).  A couple weekends ago we dressed up our Miyagi and went to Pugfest, an annual event to raise money for the organization from which we adopted Miyagi.  Last year they had about 700 pugs(and owners) attend and this year I am sure as many showed up, including our little family. 
So…it wasn't really that much fun, but at least we have been, experienced it and never have to go again.  It really wasn't all Pugfest's fault…our children were crabby, it was very, very crowded with man and beast, plus a little smelly.  The pugs were as cute as can be but I'll have to agree to some extent with David when he said “That was a wasted $15 !”
Now please, take this as my opinion only!  I am sure there are many out there who love Pugfest and look forward to it all year ( kind of like we did in our ignorance).  But for this family, next year we'll make that drive to the mountains instead.
Here are a couple of pics of our favorite Pug and one that we liked at the 'fest.
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