Introducing "my 4"!

June 29, 2012

I have become a Prayer Warrior with Reece's Rainbow and wanted to introduce you to the little loves I will be praying for!

Victoria 16G

Girl was born in August 2011
Diagnosis: Down syndrome


Boy, born January 2011
Down syndrome, heart murmur

Love the little round faced boys!
This little love is at the perfect age to join a family and receive therapy services.
Travel required, married couples only.

Katrina 14G

Girl was born in July 2011
Diagnosis: Down syndrome

Russell 3G

Boy, born July 2009
Eyes Grey
Hair dark brown
Nature calm
Diagnosis: Down syndrome

$2615.00 is available towards the cost of my adoption!

If you are interested in finding out more info. on one of these precious children, please contact me or visit

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Adoption Is Greater Than The Universe - John Piper

June 25, 2012

When I speak about how God has opened my eyes and shown me a world, His world that I had not seen before, I have trouble explaining what I mean. For the first time in my 38 years, when I think about adoption, I feel as though I am involved in what I was created for. John Piper explains it so beautifully, and my heart burns with the truth of the Gospel, what God has done for us, and in turn how we should respond.

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Welcome home, Gregorys!!

On our way to welcome them home after 4 long months!


Signs had been made, groceries had been bought, and one dear house cleaned and decorated...

We waited and waited and finally saw their dear faces!

Big Boy Silas and his backpack










Welcome Home, Gregory's!!


Family of 5!


Jovia and her girls


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June 21, 2012

This was taken from The Loux family blog. Derek and his wife were adopting 3 special needs boys from Eastern Europe and wrote this post in the middle of their process. Derek was killed in a car accident in 2009.

"Two days ago we drove for hours into the Ukrainian countryside to the village where Dimitri was born. We met with officials there and signed papers and answered their questions. We also went and saw Dimitri’s house. The day had been long, we were still recovering from jet lag, I was beginning to really miss my six daughters at home and all the familiar things our fragile human hearts entangle themselves with in feeble attempts to feel secure. Sitting in the dark on our very long drive back to Novograd that night, the Holy Spirit began to whisper to my heart, and new understanding about redemption began to take shape.
I was thinking, “Man, adopting this little boy has been so much work. This is exhausting, expensive, uncomfortable … and it doesn’t feel very rewarding right now.” What am I doing in some little Soviet car in the dark, in the middle of rural Ukraine in frozen December, as the driver dodges cats and potholes? What if Dimitri doesn’t improve at all? What if we get “nothing” out of this? … Ahhh, there it was; that dark, fallen, unreedemed, selfish human love, rooted in the tree of the knowledge of “good and evil”. The love the Greeks called “erao” love. The love where we treat someone as precious and treasured for what we can get out of it. This is unlike “agapeo” love, the God kind of love that treats someone as treasured and precious for their good, not for my good. It’s when I love a person in order to meet their needs, having no expectation of them meeting any of my needs. At a whole new level, God is working His kind of love into my weak heart, and He’s using little Dimitri to do it.
On the drive home that night, the Lord whispered in my ear, “This is Redemption. Derek, do you know how far I travelled to get you and bring you back? I had to be separated from my Son, in order to get you, just like you are separated from your children in order to get these boys. Do you know how expensive it was for Me to purchase you? It cost me everything. Do you know how broken, sick, damaged, twisted, dirty, smelly, and hopeless you were? And at the end of it all, you had nothing to give me or add to me. I did it for you. I emptied myself and became nothing so that you could have it all. This is redemption.
My friends, adoption is redemption. It’s costly, exhausting, expensive, and outrageous. Buying back lives costs so much.When God set out to redeem us, it killed Him. And when He redeems us, we can’t even really appreciate or comprehend it, just like Dimitri will never comprehend or fully appreciate what is about to happen to him … but … he will live in the fruit of it. As his Daddy, I will never expect him to understand all of this or even to thank me. I just want to watch him live in the benefits of my love and experience the joys of being an heir in my family. This is how our heavenly “Papa” feels towards us.
Today, settle your busy heart down and rest in the benefits of redemption. Enjoy the fruits of His goodness, and stop trying to “pay Him back”. You’ll never get close you goofy little kid."
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June 15, 2012

I am so happy to report that Kristopher and Juliette's families have found them!!
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