IF Gathering: East Lanier

February 28, 2015

Our church hosted an IF:Local put on by the ladies of the IF:Gathering out of Austin, Texas.
This is the "who we are" from the IF website:
    "Our 2-day gathering each year brings together women from all over the world to humbly seek God and to equip them to better live out their callings. We seek to model, resource, & empower women so that they create fresh, honest spaces in their local contexts to wrestle with essential questions of faith like: IF God is real… THEN what? We call them IF:Locals. The makeup and mechanics of each IF:Local is unique. There are monthly and annual opportunities to gather with women for prayer, for convening at dinner tables, for processing of Scripture, and for dreaming about what God can do through the laying down of our lives in obedience."

Here's what ours looked like:

The Team

My station. Lots of praying happened here!

Beautiful Tables

Welcome Ladies ( my Mama)

Impromptu singing during a technical issue

Sister Mandy( Twig Nest Company) sponsored breakfast

My Girls ( Sister Mandy, Mom and my sweet Han)

Worshipping together

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