Something New

July 2, 2006

It is becoming a small, silly tradition that whenever we have guests over for a visit we write a quote from a book, movie etc. on a decorative chalkboard which hangs in our foyer.  Our friends then try to guess where the quote originates.  We have only just begun(isn't that a song?), but I've decided that this might be a fun sort of game to play on my blog as well-you know, shake things up a bit!  So.. here is the quote and if any of you out there in the blogosphere so choose, you may post an answer and I will reveal the answer on my next post.
” You mistake me, my dear.  I have a high respect for your nerves.  They are my old friends.  I have heard you mention them with consideration these twenty years at least.”
I'll also give you a hint:  This one is from a book, but it was made into a movie very recently.
That's it for tonight-I'm off to bed1

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