
August 2, 2006

My sister Carey and I have made a tradition of meeting at the mall each week to eat lunch and let the kids visit.  Of course we visit as well and look forward to our time together since we live about an hour away and don't see each other very often. This probably doesn't sound far to some of you, but with 5 kids between us, driving anywhere for longer than 30 minutes is not pleasant!  And on top of that , my little guy is still taking a nap in the middle of the day and usually has to skip it when we are visiting.

:  I have called Carey “Wooby” since I was a young teen because somewhere I had read or seen that a child's security blanket was called their “Wooby”.  And that's what Carey is, she's my Wooby.  So from now on, in this post or ones to come when I speak of Wooby you will know of whom I speak( my english accent just snuck back in).
So, back to the original story, Wooby asked me to meet her one last time at the Mall this past Monday.  You see Wooby is an excellent teacher who has stayed at home for the last 7 years with her kids.  Now that they are in school Wooby is able to go back to teaching, something she loves and is fantastic at.  The downside for me…I don't get to see my Wooby  every week.
Now, Wooby and I go way back you know, ever since I was born and she was about 2.  She probably rebelled against giving up the title of “baby” and I was blissfully unaware of the ramifications of having two big sisters.  Wooby and I fought so much my mom likes to tell the story of how she would bang our heads together to make us stop.  Poor Mandy would always have to sit in between us to keep the peace and she usually ended up inflicting her own torture on us in the form of painfully long fingernails digging into our flesh.
Wooby and I were made to dress alike(I do have the pictures to prove it), share a room and were each others' constant playmate.  She has always been fiercely loyal and protective of me and so often puts my needs above her own.
In the last few years I have seen Wooby experience deep pain and loss in her life and have also seen her fall in love with her Lord.  As she has fallen in love with Him, she has been a great encouragement to me of our Father's grace, mercy and faithfulness.  She is a beautiful woman of God, inside and out.  If you read my previous post about my other sister Mandy, you will be in denial, in shock, that I have two wonderfully beautiful, Godly sisters!  But believe it; I do and I am blessed by them every day of my life!
I'm going to miss you, Woob!  I love you!

“A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ” ~Marion C. Garretty

Here's my beautiful Wooby:
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