God's Hand

September 21, 2006

this past weekend we had our church's first missions conference.  It was a wonderful time for David and I and I'm sure for many others as well.
You know how you have those pivotal moments in your life where you can always look back to and say ” this is when ______ happened” or “this is when I realized_______”
This weekend was one of those moments for us.  I'll elaborate more in a minute but first I have to give a quick history.  ok, it may not be “quick” but I've been thinking of doing this for awhile so hang in there or scroll down. ( there's something good and healthy about writing out your story-it really helps me to see the amazing ways that God has worked in my life, to bring me to Himself-to show me his great love)
When I was about 17, I was attending a large church and was very involved in my youth group.  At that time a family who were missionaries in Ghana, Africa with Wycliffe Bible Translators came home for an extended stay to let their kids finish high school.  That family, the Leonhards, invited all of the youth over one night to share with us their ministry and a slide show of some of their time in Africa.  I knew as I watched those slides and listened to their story that I could do nothing else in life-that I was going to be a missionary. 
Over the next year and a half about 10 youth from my church raised money and prepared to spend the summer with Teen Missions Int'l, a large missions group based in Merritt Island , FL.
At this point I had been attending GA State Univ. for 2 years and I was 19.  I had changed majors many times but had finally settled on and been accepted into the music ed. program.  I wasn't really excited about being there but thought college the thing to do.
My mission's trip began the summer of '93.  It was an eight week trip beginning in the swamps of Fl.
(This will have to be continued!  I wrote this initial entry on the 21st. and now its the 25th-I am way too busy!)

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