Guitars, Birthdays and Living as a child of God

March 21, 2006

I've been practicing my guitar daily and I'm really enjoying even the small amount of progress that I seem to be making with it.  I'm using the music that we compiled for the retreat and I think that the desire to learn songs that I love and know is a big inspiration for playing each day.  The strumming seems the most difficult part right now but my friend says that will come with time.  My once soft and delicate fingertips have blistered and are now forming the beginning of calluses-how exciting!!
And now some birthday talk…  As I write Hannah is busy attending one of her dear little friends Bday parties.  On Thursday, we head to cousin Char's house for her Birthday.  And then next week my two sweet boys will turn 2 and 4 on the 27th and 29th!  Ethan wanted a Monster Truck party for a long time and has recently changed his mind to a firetruck party-can't argue with that!  Jonah is still happy and young enough not to care so he and Ethan will share a party.
I have so much more to talk about concerning the women's retreat and the things I am learning in Bible Study, but that will have to wait for tomorrow!
Leaving you with a pic. of sweet Jonah
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