October 4, 2006

Tonight one of my favorite shows of the season begins, LOST!  I'm waiting anxiously for some of my questions from last season to be answered and yet I know that Lost is notoriously bad for not answering questions but creating more with whole episodes dedicated to character development ( which is one of the reasons I like it so much).
So… tonight I will be waiting to see what happens to our friends as they sit on the dock and watch Michael and Walt speed away.  And why did Jack and Kate give each other that weird look at the very end and why did they let Hurley go?  And what's up with Penny and Desmond?  It seems too easy of an ending that she finds and rescues them all.  I wonder if we're going to end up liking the “others”? 
Oh well, I'm sure we'll find some answers tonight and have to wait (probably until the show is completely over) to answer all the rest!
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