Thinking Ahead

August 8, 2006

The summer is winding down now and I find myself longing for the cool, crips days of Fall.  It seems to have been an especially hot one this year in GA, or maybe that's because of my un-airconditioned van! 
This Fall holds some new things for us.  And even though I'm frowning at the thought of having to actually get showered and dressed before 10, I'm ready to have a more structured daily schedule.
Girl Scouts starts this week and I am helping by being a co-leader this year which will obviously add to my level of commitment.   I am also in the process of ordering the children's choir music, which will begin in Sept..  I can't decide between three musicals so I thought it would be best to order the music and take a good look at each piece.   Next month I will be waking up the nutheads earlier than usual to get Hannah ready for school and out the door by 8am.  I think this will be my biggest challenge.
All of this probably doesn't sound so busy to some of you moms out there, but I have learned from experience that I can only handle so many”extra-curricular” activities for the family before I go nutzo…oh , and completely changing topics but staying with the thought of going “nutzo”, I really need a vacation!……anyone?…..
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