
February 7, 2006

I can't believe its been so long since my last entry-our family has had a very busy week!
Last Friday night Hannah and I had a spend-the-night party with 76 other Brownies.  Don't scream, we made it through and it was actually a lot of fun for Hannah and okay even for me.  On Saturday morning we had to rush home from the sleepover, take showers and drive for an hour to attend my nephews birthday party.  From there we rushed(again) home, changed(again) and left for one of the major Girl Scouts events of the year.  We finally got home just in time to scarf down some pizza and put everyone to bed.
Sunday was also filled with its own busyness with Church, grocery shopping, cake baking, dropping the kids at Nana's and heading over to friends for a Super Bowl party.
At times like these I realize how much I crave simplicity and how so many of the “good times” are often those spent together at home, or our friends' homes, where we can laugh and talk and eat and play. 
I feel an urgency to relish the children at their present ages.  I've had enough people tell me how fast this time will fly and how it becomes harder in so many ways when they are older.  I remember my own family going through the teenage years.  My poor parents should have medals for having made it through.
Did I tell you that I have a precious group of friends surrounding me?  At our church we have groups of people that meet each week at someone's home.  We talk, laugh, study, cry, eat and just share in each others' lives.  I can say it is probably the first time that I have personally experienced the Body working as Christ intended it to.  I am blessed, encouraged and challenged by these dear friends.
I also have wonderful friends from my past who I keep in touch with on a regular basis.  None of us live close to each other, but we formed such close bonds during college that only a word in a phone call or letter disolves the time that we have spent apart.  These women helped shape me into the person I am today.  Thanks girls, I love you and miss you-M.R., J.J., S.S., J.H., E.B., A.W.,E.C.,T.C.
I love my children, my husband, my family and friends, my house, at least one of our cars, my dog….but my satisfaction is only completely found in Jesus.  So many times I run to any of the blessings I mentioned above, to fill that need or longing in my heart.  I am reminded over and over again that my life is in Him and for Him and that He is all my satisfaction.
All my life long, I had panted, from a drink from some cool spring;
That I hoped would, quench the burning, of the thirst I felt within,
Chorus:    Hallelujah! He has found me, the One my soul so long has craved,
Jesus satisfies all my longings, through His blood I now am saved.
Feeding on the filth around me, 'till my strength was almost gone,
longed my soul for, something better, only still to hunger on.
Poor I was and sought for riches, something that would satisfy,
But the dust I gathered round me, only mocked my souls sad cry.
Well of water, ever springing, bread of life so rich and free,
Untold wealth that never faileth, my Redeemer is to me.
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