My Little Man

July 13, 2006

Ethan must have known on the day he was born that he would be the middle child.  He came out stubbornly and is still more stubborn than my other two combined.  I've heard it said that middle children feel left out since they are not given the attention the baby requires nor the reponsibility of the eldest.  Somewhere in his little 4 year-old mind Ethan must realize this and maybe it makes him angry. 
When people first meet Ethan, they are quick to say how much he resembles his Daddy. Little do they realize how amazingly true their quick assesment is.  He not only resembles his Daddy in his build, coloring and round face, but in personality as well.  Now don't get all shocked and think I am accusing my husband of being stubborn… We're all stubborn at times and I will be the first to admit that I am usually much more stubborn than he, but up until a few years ago it was difficult for me to imagine David as a child.  He has an “old soul' as some may say, very serious, studious and matter-of-fact.  He's one of those people who would stay in school just because he likes to learn.  I've realized that Ethan is the same way.  He's a very serious little boy.  I remember that it was difficult to make him smile even as a baby.  He is relatively quiet (unless he has a car or sword in hand), dislikes large groups of people, including children and plays by himself in a classroom setting.  When meeting a stranger for the first time he puts his head down, looking quite grumpy, crosses his arms and refuses to speak.  This has caused me great frustration in the past because( I thought) his “apparent” rudeness spoke of my parenting(tisk, tisk).
The magic of Ethan unfolds when you have a conversation with him(assuming you're not a stranger).  His little mind is filled with amazing ideas, stories and questions.  When given the chance, his whole body comes alive and animated when he is speaking about something he is interested in.  He is just waiting to be asked.  He is also my cuddler.  He loves to be held and even hands out the kisses when he's in the mood.
I am ashamed to say that I have squashed Ethan's little personality so much in my attempts to make him more socially acceptable and to make me(gulp) look like a better parent.  As I learn more about his dear, God-given personality I appreciate him so much more and the little person God has created in him.  I pray for Ethan that God will raise him up to be a man who loves Him.  I pray that in the love and grace and mercy of our home that he will realise his need for his Savior and that he will be stubbornly devoted to his Heavenly Father and in sharing that love with others.
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